Spader Australian Cattle Dogs
Home of the K9 Cowboys!TM
Working Australian Cattle Dogs (Blue & Red Heelers) with excellent dispositions, conformation & ability from top herding AKC bloodlines.
The latest news from our place...
April 14th-The Mushrushes called and are breeding their good working female, Spader Good Onya Ginger, again. Last year she produced a wonderful set of pups that have gone on to look really great on stock. One of these is Spader's Stellar Cowboy (Toby), owned by Sarah Williams, MO. He's got what it takes to be a great one in the trial arena! See a video of "Toby" just below these comments.
Congrats to Laura Fuller, her Rowdy son just achieved his CD Obedience Degree. Way to go guys!
Larry & Marilyn Painter of Kuawarri Kennels will be hosting 2 "Cow Camp" Training Clinics in April (7-11, 21-25) at their facility near Cleveland, MO. These clinics allow you to bring your dog in for 2 rounds of work with instruction from Larry each day, and you learn a lot while watching other handlers work their dogs. The facility is a great one, with a large indoor arena, outdoor arena, several pens, sheep and cattle. Larry and Marilyn are gracious hosts, and the atmosphere is laid-back and friendly. For more information, please contact:
Larry & Marilyn Painter
816-335-5338 - Larry
816-335-5316 - Marilyn
Cleveland, Missouri
A rare opportunity for the most elite frozen genetics ever offered in the breed-join us online for a "first of its kind" sale! In it, you will see impossible to find genetics for National Herding Champions, Dual Champions, elite herding trial competitors, 2 National Obedience Champion Sires, and sires and grandsires of the last 3 National Herding Champions. Featuring frozen breedings for:
AOM DC WTCH Kuawarri Gbye Old Paint HXAcds RTDcs CD VQW
Shadybrooks Lakota Blue Badger
CH Spader Game Changer HSAcs
Bidding opens Jan 22nd, with lots closing on February 3rd, 7 pm Central. At the closing time, if two bidders continue to bid at least every 5 minutes, the lot will stay open until all bidding completes.
Click here to view the offering & create an account
The latest news ...
"Canci" Kylie N Spader Cowboy Lullaby HSAc had a great day with a 5 point major at the Clemson Kennel Club show, this talented young dog also won a herding high in trial earlier in the week. Co-owned and expertly trained and handled by Stacey Edwards, Canci is by Albritts Viking Warrior and out of DC HTCH WTCH Spader N Kylie's Vaquero Shout HSAsc HSBc HIAsc HXAsMcM
While breeding working dogs is our priority, it's always exciting to see our customers have success in other avenues as well. Congrats to Sam Perkins and "Dave" SPADER HIT THE GROUND RUNNING, taking WD/BOW/BOBOH/BOB at the Northstar Herding Group Specialty, then WD/BOW/BOS/BOBOH at the Land O Lakes Kennel Club show.
Sire: Kuawarri Vaquero
Dam: Spader Red Queen
Huge congrats to Stacey Edwards and SPADER GOOD ONYA KOORA BLUE-2022 ACDCA National Herding Champions! The youngest dog to ever win this prestigous award, Stacey has done an amazing job with her. We are proud to co-wn this fine young dog with Stacey, as well as being the breeder. Look for great things continuing in the future from this pair!
Sire: DC On the Lamb Ride An Old Paint HXAcsd HIAcsd HIBs HSAcsd HSBs
2021 National Herding Champions-Stacey Edwards and DC HTCH WTCH Spader N Kylie's Vaquero Shout HSAsc HSBc HIAsc HXAsMcM "Yippee"
Sire: Spader Vintage Vaquero
Yippee is one of our favorite dogs that we have bred, and thanks to Stacey's amazing handling has won herding championships in all 4 herding venues. One of the great "Vin" progeny and out of a full sister to Rowdy that we acquired from Stacey, she represents a pedigree combination that's worked very well for us for a long time. Her progeny by Albritts Viking Warrior will be hitting the arena soon, so be on the lookout for the next great generation of herders!
2020 National Herding Champions-Cynthia Knowlton and HC Spaders Operation Valkyrie HSAsc HSBc HIAsc HXAsc "Kyrie"
Sire: Kuawarri Revolution
Dam: Spader Good Onya Lena
An amazing herding trial competitor that is all cattle dog, Kyrie is fantastically strong working dog with incredible eye and control. Sired by our "Rev" and out of the wonderful Spader Good Onya Lena, a two time National Herding Champion dam. Also a past ACDCA Calcutta Champion we can't say enough about the amazing job Cynthia has done with Kyrie as they are a formidable force in the herding arena!
Our young sire Spader Game Changer HSAsc has now completed this conformation championship! Special thanks to Stacey Edwards and the judges that recognized him. Sired by Albritts Viking Warrior, and out of Aust CH Willowpark Whiz Kid HSAs RN. Look for his influence in our program in the future, as well as frozen semen offered to the public.
The 2019 ACDCA National Specialty was fantastic for our customers and our genetics!
Stacey Palmer & DC Spader N Kylie's Vaquero Shout HSAsc HSBc HIAsc HXAsMcM went Herding High In Trial with a win in the Advanced Cattle Class! Yippee is by Spader Vintage Vaquero and out of Kylies My Shout Mate.
Shortly after the Specialty, "Yippee" earned the incredible honor of finishing her Herding Champion title! Very few dogs have been able to earn this title throughout the history of the breed-it is the highest herding title available through AKC sanctioned events. What a duo!
Kim and Spader Mudhaus Thrill Ride “BULL” earned his Rally Excellent title with a 3rd place and won first place in Novice obedience to get his obedience CD title. Bull is by Willowpark Bush Tribute and out of Spader I Found My Thrill
Terri Miller and Spader I Found My Thrill UD CDX PCDX BN GN RN IPOBH HIC DS won Obedience High In Trial ! This is their second time to win this prestigous event! They were 1st in Utility B, 1st in Open B, 1st in Preferred Utility, and High Combined Overall Score. Layne is by Albritts Viking Warrior and out of Spader Hava Lil Faith
Spader Flashy Rude, owned by Stacey Zook
To the best of our knowledge, this is the only ACD that has acheived an IPO-3 title. Congrats Stacey!
2017 ACDCA National Specialty
We are so proud of the following dogs that orginated from our program, as well as their owner/handlers for the success they had in October at the National Specialty!
Obedience High In Trial-Spaders I Found My Thrill RN BN CD PCD GN IPOBH
Huge Congratulations to Laura and her "Rowdy" son Rascal ( SILVERDUST I WON'T LET GO UDX ) on finishing their Obedience Trail Champion title today! This is the highest obedience title that can be earned! Well done! (Pic from when they won High In Trial at the Specialty two years ago) We are very proud of the excellent job you have done with him Laura!
Congratulations Laura Fuller and her "Rowdy" son Rascal ( SILVERDUST I WON'T LET GO UDX ) on your HIGH IN TRIAL and HIGH COMBINED win. Score of 198 at the 2015 ACDCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY! Bred by Morriss Tompkins & Deborah Casey, this cool Rowdy son shows that our lines of working dogs can be very versatile-competing at the highest level of breed competition!
Congratulations to Spader's Checker and Nicole Lichtsteiner for passing their IPO1! Checker is a Brody son out of Spader Vaquero Jewel. Learn more about Schutzhund/IPO at
Over the last 20 years we have sold working dogs to 33 states, as well as Denmark, Swtizerland, France, and Canada. We're proud to concentrate our breeding program on solid working cattle dogs, and are pleased to share them with cattlemen and women across the US and beyond.
Rowdy daughter out of Spader Miss Wind
Rowdy son out of Spader Vaquero Jewel